My sister Mary Lou was the embodiment of love. She loved without conditions, without restrictions, and without the expectation of getting anything in return. She showed love to everyone – always.
I had my final conversation with my Mary Lou on March 22, 2017. She passed away 11 days later on April 2nd. Words can’t express the depth of pain I felt upon her passing.
The last words I spoke to my sister? “ I love you forever.” The last words she spoke to me? “I picked out the poem Shelly. It’s in the book. I highlighted it.” She was so clear and focused for someone in her final days with brain cancer. I was stunned by her ability to speak, and by what she said. My sister knew that I was a writer, and among other things, I wrote poems. The clarity of her statement left me speechless. I went home and opened my book of poems. I instantly knew which poem she “selected” as her favorite. I read this poem as part of her service. She selected it. I had to share it. I wanted to honor her, as she so selflessly honored all of us by loving us without condition or restriction. I realized that I took her love for granted. She gave her love so freely, so generously.
I have been writing for many years and was preparing to post online when my sister was ill. The piece that she “selected” was one that I had written years earlier. it wasn’t until my sister passed away that I realized it was she who taught me –that We Are All Connected by Love. She chose love. I wonder how different our world would be if we all chose love?
I dedicate this to my dear sister, Mary Lou.
We Are All Connected
Death taught me how to Live
With Purpose
Sickness gave me Appreciation of
True Health
Loss reminded me how to Live
And Laugh
You showed me that we Are
All Connected
By Love